How do you really feel about your business?

It's no secret that building, growing, and sustaining a business is full of ups, downs, twists, and turns due to the incredible opportunities that it offers you, along with the challenges and adversities.   

The pressures to succeed. The misperceptions and misconceptions about success can have you feeling exhilaration one moment, doubt the next moment, fear the moment after that, anxiety after that leading to a host of other feelings you'll experience. They can come swiftly and unexpectedly. It can be a single, dominating feeling or a combination of feelings. What you're feeling can last a mere second or it can linger for a while.

Does succeeding have you feeling that you have to:  

Fake it till you make it.
Be the rock in your family. Be the pillar of your community.
Offer services, programs, or products that just don't light you up because that what "sells."
Make lots of money.
Prove that you deserve to be in that space or a seat at the table.
Work hard
Don't rock the boat, just be grateful for what you have.
Motivate yourself.
Be better than everybody else.
Be the only in your space.
You have to have all the "qualifications" before you can help others.
You have to be "certain" before you can proceed.
Keep going, even though you're not happy.
Keep going, even though you're exhausted.  

As a Black and Brown Woman, you're bravely stepping into and claiming spaces where you don't see YOU and YOU don't feel safe enough to be and share YOU. YOU have felt alone and lonely in your navigating your entrepreneurship journey, because knowing where to turn to get the help you need, desire, and deserve can be confusing, daunting, and at times disheartening. 

Worse, you've been lead to believe that it's what you do that makes the difference because feelings are messy, feelings don't lead to results. 

So you find yourself trying to "manage" what you're feeling and others' feelings, as you handle your various responsibilities in your role as a Founder and/or CEO, to get your business up and running smoothly, keep it that way, or scratch the itch to do something new.

Yet you're compromising your already compromised wellbeing. The irony here is that your wellbeing is what led you to entrepreneurship, but deep down you're  feeling unhappy, and/or unfulfilled despite your best efforts, and trying your best to handle the stressors you're experiencing whether you're "succeeding" or not.  I can relate because I've spent a lot of time feeling this way about my business.

I can go on and on, pontificating about the pain that you're feeling and it's impact on your success and wellbeing as a founder. I am not a sadist nor a self-righteous know it all. Rather, I know that if you're reading this, then you're:

•Ready to discover how to succeed in ways that are happy, fulfilling, and stressless for you.

•Desire to learn how to truly be at ease with the range of emotions that you're feeling, no matter what is happening or not happening.

•Discover how working from your wellbeing will guide and support you in all of this.  

How would you like to feel about your business?

What I have learned to prioritize and what I guide and support you in prioritizing is that entrepreneurship is about your wellbeing. Wellbeing is about feeling good, which allows you to unlock your full potential, unleash it, maximize it, and enjoy being an entrepreneur.  When you're grounded and centered in your wellbeing.
You are:

•Using your unique talents to meet unique needs in ways that truly lights you up.

•Welcome the uncertainty instead of fearing it. You're excited by the possibilities.
•Know how to really be with the emotional ups, downs, twists, and turns of

•Focus on what truly matters to you, eliminate the unnecessary stress and maximize your happiness and fulfillment. 

•Let in the opportunities and own the spaces that you're doing business in. 

•Know when to slow down, change direction, or accelerate as needed and wanted without wearing you out. 

•Magnetic in connecting with the right people and opportunities. 

•Improve the quality of your personal and professional relationships. 

•Do what's needed to achieve your business dreams and goals with more ease. 

How can you start feeling this way?

Three months of support, with the option to continue, in learning to shift and sustain feeling good. So you are succeeding in starting, growing, and sustaining your business in ways that are happy, fulfilling, and stressless for you.

•Strategy to uncover who you're being and identify how to best support your being.

•Co-Create Your Personal Wellbeing Profile to guide and support you leading a successful, happy and fulfilling life as an entrepreneur.

•Weekly coaching to support you in learning how to lead from feeling good whether you're starting, growing, sustaining your business or seeking to exit from your business.

•Guidance in identifying additional opportunities, people, and resources that support you leading from feeling good as you're moving through your entrepreneurial journey.  

Schedule your 20-min complimentary discovery call to see if this is right for you.

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